Tommy Pellegrin

Custom Charters
Cocodrie/Dularge, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
In 1995, for reasons he cannot explain, Tommy Pellegrin gave up a good job with great benefits to go fishing for a living. After more than two decades, he’s come to grips with his decision and thousands of clients across the US are glad he did having enjoyed fun times on the water catching fish with Captain Tommy. Retired from offshore fishing, he now runs a top-notch Skeeter Bay Boat and loves sharing his enjoyment of fishing with others. His reward? Seeing the smiles on people’s faces every time they reel in a fish.
“For me, KYSEK is all about the wheels. With all the fish my guests catch, carrying the ice chest to the cleaning station would be a pain. But the KYSEK wheels make it easy. It’s also great that it keeps ice longer than any other box. You never ever have to worry about this box failing in any way. It’s built rock solid so you can stand on it, cut on it, or just have a party on it.”