A Guide to Sheltering in Place
September 17, 2024
Natural and unnatural disasters can strike suddenly and without warning. Everyone should have some emergency items in place at home at all times, but a more robust shelter-in-place kit is advisable if imminent dangers are headed your way. You may have a few days to prepare for a hurricane or blizzard, for example. When the storm is over, your area may not have utilities or a way out. Stay safe by staying ready.
Easy Access
Keep your shelter-in-place kit in one or two easy-to-move containers in one place so that they can quickly be accessed. This kit should include the following:
-A supply of non-perishable food for each person and pet. You should have enough for a few days, but the more you have, the better. You do not know how long you’ll be without access to food. Don’t forget a can opener!
-A minimum of one gallon of water per person/pet per day, 3 gallons is best.
-Battery-powered or hand crank radio to get weather updates from NOAA Weather Radio
-Flashlights and lanterns
-Extra batteries
-First-Aid Kit
-Phone charging-banks that are fully-charged
-Bags and sanitary wipes (toilets may become non-functional if water stops running)
-Hand sanitizer
-Whistle (in the case you need to signal help)
-Wrenches and pliers to turn off utilities if necessary
-Local map
Cold Items
If you’re sheltering in a hot climate, like the southeastern US after a hurricane, the heat can be deadly. Gas-powered generators may run a refrigerator for a few days, but gas may not be readily available at local stations to keep the generator going. KYSEK’s line of ice chests are specifically made to stay cold for longer especially if using our freezable Glacier Ice Pack Dividers. Our largest ice chest can stay cold for up to 10 days. Freezing items like gallon jugs of water ahead of time can add extra cooling to the coolers.
-Keep water and electrolyte-enhanced drinks cold to help regulate your body temperature
-Refrigerate medications that need cold storage
-Store towels and specifically-designed sweat wicking towels chilled that can be wrapped around your neck or head to cool you off
Get a full tank of gas ahead of time to be able to leave the area in case the gas stations aren’t open, and research local shelters and cooling stations ahead of time. If you’re considering sheltering in place rather than evacuating or are unable to leave your area, a shelter-in-place kit can be a lifesaver.